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Navikla sam da budem u pokretu, suvozač u jednom malom pežou koji jurca po gradu. Najviše volim one sunčane dane kada izađem iz auta i ugledam veliku vodu. Onda znam da idemo da uživamo pored Dunava i da ću se besprekorno baškariti ispod ležaljki dok A radi, čita ili se druži sa nekim. Ne smeta mi kada dođe neko da se igramo ali mislim da najviše uživam u momentima relaksacije u prirodi i naravno da je A pored mene– to mi je jako važno 🙂

Sada bih da vam ispričam kako sam uživala par dana u Beču – bila stalno u društvu, videla nove stvari i predele a i vozala se nekim novim prevoznim sredstvima.

Sve počinje jednim spontanim sedanjem u auto ispred naše zgrade sa A, jednim momkom i jednom devojkom. Ne znam tačno ko su bili ti ljudi ali su bili zanimljivi. Posle sam upoznala devojku B sa kojom smo putovale i shvatila da je njen dom postao i naš dom tih dana. Malo sam bila zbunjena prvo veče ali B i njen momak su divni i nije bilo teško navići se na novo okruženje. Nas četvoro delili smo čak i obroke … moja A me na to nije navikla i sada već shvatam da je to bilo vanredno stanje. Toliko divnih zalogaja ipak će zameniti stare dobre granulice…jer kažu neke stvari nisu za svaki dan!

Uglavnom kada smo seli u kola, čini mi se da smo malo duže putovali iako sam većinu prespavala. Ja sam dobra kao i većina kuca pa ne tražim puno sem da nisam gladna i žedna. Niko me ništa nije pitao ni na granici, kao da ne postojim…jesam mala ali imam pasoš i mislim da sam važna. Pa dobro…ipak me jesu mazili i nudili da jedem pijem piškim više puta… a kada smo stigli, bilo je hladno ali već sutra dan je sinulo sunce i narednih dana kao da uopšte nije bilo smisla provoditi vreme u kući osim za spavanje….stoga duboko sam tonula u san noću, a danju sam dobijala ozbiljnu upalu mišića.

Obilazili smo razne trgove, znamenitosti, restorane i butike…svugde sam bila dobrodošla. Čini mi se mnogo više nego u našoj zemlji. Nismo ulazile u muzeje i parkove, tu često ne dozvoljavaju kuce tako da ću sledeći put ostati da se igram sa nekim da bi A videla ono što nije uspela ovaj put (Stadtpark, Schönbrunn, Belvedere..) Ali mi deluje da joj nisam uopšte smetala, na većini mesta moje prisustvo bilo je dobrodošlo.

U svim vozilima gradskog prevoza psi su dozvoljeni. Ima znak da bi trebali nositi korpu ali mislim da se to odnosi samo na veće kuce. Jako sam se plašila pokretnih stepenica ali to je već do mene…a i malo sam uživala u tome da budem nošena, ipak po toj gužvi nije toliko zanimljivo trčkaranje.

Bili smo i u peruanskom restoranu Quero i tu su mi isto rado otvorili vrata kao i u Losteria restoranu, gde sam uživala u italijanskoj hrani sa A i B. Obišle smo ja mislim ceo centar, Becirk 1 i Becirk 2, a overile smo naravno i Donauinsel sa kafićima koji se pružaju uz Dunav. Tamo je nastupilo ono što najbolje znamo-uživati u suncu pored vode!

Beč je baš velik, sigurno ćemo još svraćati ali po tome koliko smo dinamično provele dane, deluje da smo protrčale kroz većinu bitnih tačaka. Posetile smo i Sofitel, jako lep ekskluzivan hotel koji na vrhu ima restoran Das Loft, potpuno okružen staklom koji pruža pogled na ceo grad. Na vratima su stajale neke zgodne ali namrštene čike i pomislila sam da ja tu ne pripadam…ipak, jedan blag osmeh razuverio me je vrlo brzo.

Nisam bila u pravom izlasku, ne znam da li jer sam bila višak ili jer nismo imale snage više uveče, tako da o tome ne mogu puno pričati. Ipak, trčkala sam po ulicama doterana u moje krpice i ljudi su mi uglavnom prilazili sa nešto kao „schöner Hund“, „süßer Hund“…i komentarisali naklonjeni da me maze i malo kvare frizuricu.Jedno veče sam bila i u gostima kod Nolija, jedan sladak dečak bišon. Ne znam da li je takav prema svim devojčicama ali u mene je delovao mnogo zaljubljen. Kupio je kačketić, kravatu i trenericu, doterivao se i bio je veoma uzbuđen zbog moje posete. Verujem da će tako doteran lako naći neku nemicu jer ja trenutno nisam uzvratila interesovanje, ne volim veze na daljinu.

Shvatila sam da u Austriji ako nema znak zabrane, kuce su dozvoljene. Moj zaključak je da je Beč pet friendly i da bi ga rado posetila ponovo, što zato što sam stekla nove prijatelje i jako ih zavolela, što zato što je lep i prijatan za boravak kuca. Sigurno da je zanimljivije kada imate ovako sunčane i lepe dane ali ako se dobro pripremite i obučete, ni zima nije loša. Ja ne pijem vino ali volim vašare, muziku i raspoložene ljude…Kažu ceo decembar je takav ovde tako da se nadam da ću jednom Beč posetiti i u tom periodu 🙂

I am so used to always being on the go, in the seat next to driver in a small Peugeot which is running around the city. What I love the most are those Sunny days when I jump out of the car I see the huge surface of water. At that moment I know that we will be enjoying ourself in front of the Danube river, I will chill under the sunbed while A works or hangs out with someone. I don’t mind having a company to play with, but I think my favourite thing is just enjoying moments of relaxation in nature while A is next to me- the most important thing for me.

Now, I would like to tell you about a nice few days I spent in Wein. I was always with the company, I saw new things and sights and I had a chance to drive in some new means of transport.

It all begins with a spontaneous sitting in the car in front of our building with A, a guy and a girl. I didn’t exactly know who those people were but they were very interesting. Afterwards, I met this girl B, we traveled with her, I soon realized that for the next few days we will be sharing the same home.

I was a bit confused for the first night, but soon I got used to new environment because B and her boyfriend are lovely. The 4 of us even shared meals… That is something my A never got me used to but I realised that this is a special occasion. A few of tasty bits will have to replace the dog food, but you know what they say, some thing are not meant for every day.

We set in the car, I felt like we were traveling for a very long time, even though I was asleep for the most of the trip. Like most of us dogs, I am a nice one so I don’t ask for much, just not to be hungry and thirsty. No one asked about me on the border, like I don’t even exist. I know I am small but I am important and have had my pasport. Oh well, I did get petted and offered to eat drink and use bathroom multiple times.

When we arrived, the weather was cold, but the very next day the Sun was shining and it didn’t even make sense to go indoors unless we were sleeping. With that in mind, I would fall into a deep sleep during night and during the day I would get serious muscle soreness for walking.

We visited a variety of squares, sights restaurants and butiques. I was welcome everywhere. It seems like I was even more welcomed than in our country. We didn’t go to any museums and parks because I am not allowed to go in, so for the next time I will go on a play date while A visits the stuff she couldn’t this time. (Stadtpark, Schönbrunn, Belvedere..) But it looked like she didn’t mind my presence and I was welcomed at most places we went to.

The dogs are allowed inside all of the public transport. There is a sign that they should be in dog cage, but I think that stands for bigger dogs. I was so afraid of escalator, but I know that the problem is in me, and I enjoyed being carried around, it is not easy to walk around when it’s crowded.

We went to this Peruan restaurant Quero where the door was opened for me as well as Losteria restaurants, where I enjoyed in the Italian food with A and B. We walked around the entire centar of the city, Becirk 1 and Becrik 2, and we checked out Donauinsel with Cafes which are spreading across the Danube river. Right there was the best part, chilling in the sun next to the shore.

Wein is really big, we will visit there again for sure, but we had such a dynamic time there, it seems as we passing through some sights quite fast. We visited Sofitel, it was very nice and very exclusive hotel with a penthouse restaurant Das Loft, completely surrounded by the glass windows which allows the view on to the entire city. There were two frowned men standing at the entrance, which made me think that I was not welcomed, but one gentle smile had me convinced I was wrong.

We never went out for real, I don’t know why, maybe I was excess or we were just too tired in the evening, so I can’t tell you much about that. But I did run around in the streets in my cute outfits and people were often walking up to me with words such as „Shöner Hund“, „Süßer Hund“ they wanted to pet me and mess up my hair style a little bit.

One evening I went to Noli, he is a cute male Bichon. I don’t know how he acts with other girls, but to me he sure did seem like he’s realy in love with me. He had bought a cap, tie and a hoodie, he got all made up and waited for me to come visit. I believe that since he is such nice looking he could have any German girl, but for now he doesn’t interest me I don’t like long distance relationships.

I realized that if there is no sign, dogs are allowed. My conclusion is that Wein is pet friendly and I would visit it again because I made new friends and I really got to like them, this was a really nice and preasant stay for a dog. Sure, it was more interesting when you are blessed with sunny and nice days, but if you get dressed and prepared winter can be pretty good as well. I don’t drink wine, but I love fairs, music and people in a nice mood. I heard the whole Decembar here is just like that so I hope to visit Wein in this season one day.


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